Constructing Bus Stations in Lego Fortnite
To assemble the Battle Bus station in your blocky Lego Fortnite village, tackle this advanced building project. You must have ventured into the Frostlands biome's wintry expanses to erect one.
Here's what you need:
- 4 iron ingots
- 2 malachite plates
- 6 frostpine logs
- 3 rift crystals
Securing the first trio of materials is relatively straightforward in the Frostlands regions, but the final one — rift crystals — are rare finds. Let’s delve into their location.
Locating Rift Crystals in Lego Fortnite
Rift crystals stand out as a distinctive element acquired solely by dismantling Bus Stations. Since these are crafted from advanced Frostlands resources, only a legendary pickaxe (constituted of 8 obsidian plates and 5 frostpine poles) will make a dent.
Discovering Bus Stations in Lego Fortnite
To put it simply, Bus Stations are found through exploration. There's usually one in proximity to your initial spawning location in the world. Apart from that, their rarity is notable. You might detect a subtle throb when one is nearby. For a clearer indication, seek the beacon of blue light emanating from its roof after dusk.
Why Was Dismantling Bus Stations Impossible in Lego Fortnite?
Update (8/9/2024): The issue with Bus Stations being non-destructible has been resolved. Now, you can dismantle any Bus Station you locate to collect those coveted rift crystals.