Enthusiasts of Call of Duty: Warzone are prompting Activision to borrow a leaf from Fortnite's book by adopting a similar, human-like aim assist system, which was initially launched by Epic Games. This innovative aim assist was implemented in Fortnite during the Chapter 5 Season 4 update to prevent controller-based players from gaining an unjust lead over those using a keyboard and mouse. This implementation seems equally applicable and advantageous for Call of Duty: Warzone participants.
Indeed, the aim assist feature has consistently sparked heated debates among the Call of Duty fanbase in recent years. With the introduction of crossplay, it's imperative that a fair playground is established for both controller and keyboard and mouse players. However, striking a balance between the two has always posed a challenge. Activision has hinted at significant modifications to the aim assist mechanism tied to the upcoming release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Yet, initial reviews during the beta stage suggest it falls short of expectations. Nevertheless, Fortnite seems to be leading the way in this aspect of the first-person shooter genre.
Moreover, Call of Duty: Warzone aficionados strongly believe that Activision should integrate a similar approach, using this to highlight how Fortnite seems leagues ahead of its rivals. Reddit user trashed717 points out that Warzone is missing the level of support and strategic vision found in Fortnite, which excels primarily due to its high-quality updates. Epic Games' emphasis on active development and valuing player feedback is something the Warzone group respects and appreciates.