Pursuing bail fugitives can turn out to be a highly profitable endeavor, particularly when capturing both standard and high-risk targets yields doubled compensations. Apprehend six targets of any category during this week's Challenge to earn an extra GTA$100,000. Stake your claim in this line of work by acquiring a Bail Office via Maze Bank Foreclosures.
Oktoberfest Festivities
The Oktoberfest celebration promises fun-filled moments with a collection of in-game freebies, kindly provided by Pißwasser. Participate in GTA Online from September 19 to October 9 to snag these festive items, including unique temporary designs for a couple of drifting Übermacht vehicles.
- Pißwasser Enjoyment T-shirt
- Pißwasser Golden Shorts
- Traditional Alpine Ensemble
- Pißwasser Racing Red and Pißwasser Racing White temporary designs for the Übermacht Cypher (Drift)
- Pißwasser Racing Patterns and Pißwasser Racing temporary designs for the Übermacht Sentinel Classic Widebody (Drift)
Triple GTA$ and RP for Associates and Bodyguards
Feel the benefits of economic prosperity as salaries for associates and bodyguards increase threefold this week.
Double GTA$ and RP in Hunting Pack (Remix)
Hunting Pack (Remix) takes the original version up a notch by incorporating armed and rocket-propelled vehicles. The game raises the stakes where slowing beneath the critical speed as a Runner spells your end, while Attackers are hellbent on causing your downfall. Enjoy twice the rewards until September 25 in this high-stakes game mode.
- Showcase at Premium Deluxe Motorsport
- Visit Simeon Yetarian’s exhibition on Power Street in Pillbox Hill to view his most recent collection of vehicles:
- Ocelot Swinger (Sports Classic, 30% discount)
- Lampadati Viseris (Sports Classic)
- Schyster Deviant (Muscle)
- Dewbauchee Massacro (Sports)
- LCC Avarus (Motorcycle)
Window Shopping at Luxury Autos Showroom
Rockford Hills beckons with its Luxury Autos showroom, showing off the Declasse Yosemite 1500 (Off-Road) and Vapid Dominator GT (Muscle) currently on display, ready to dazzle potential buyers.
Inside the LS Car Meet
Drop by the LS Car Meet to check Hao’s latest upgrade, the Annis Euros X32 (Coupe) – available for a premium test ride on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S platforms. Achieve victory in the LS Car Meet Series three days consecutively to secure an Obey I-Wagen (SUV). The Test Track also offers a chance to try out the discounted Annis RE-7B (Super, 40% off), the sleek Grotti Stinger GT (Sports Classic), and the robust Bravado Buffalo S (Sports).
Lucky Wheel's Headline Prize of the Week
Test your luck at The Diamond Casino & Resort by taking a spin on the Lucky Wheel. This week's grand prize is the Truffade Nero (Super).
Update on Anti-Cheat Measures
We continue to bolster GTA Online with the latest anti-cheat systems to improve accuracy in targeting and addressing unfair play on PC. Visit Rockstar Support for detailed information on these enhancements and join us in upholding a community rooted in fairness, respect, and safety by reviewing our Community Guidelines.