Christmas is here again. Naturally, it means that the shopping craze is also around the corner. And Google Maps is here to help you make it less hectic.
For starters, the Google Maps app can offer the “crowd control” feature. We are talking about the Busyness tool. This handy option demonstrates how crowded a certain place — store, café, bowling alley — is packed at the moment.
This might be super useful if you’re worried about catching an infection shortly before Christmas.
The feature will alert you that a certain boutique or steak-&-beer diner best be avoided. Or approached with precaution, face mask, and a bottle of antiseptic in hand.
The best part is that Google Maps will automatically browse this info. You don’t need to search for your favorite pancake place on the map. As you approach a location, the app will show its “busyness” levels.
Another cool feature available is the “mini-maps”. Now, when you’re inside a giant mall or an airport waiting for your transit, you can use the app to find the route to the closest café, souvenir shop, or restroom.
No more running around in a panic trying to find the check-in line, either. Google Maps will help you find the way, show an approximate distance, and probably will even measure your “foot speed”. In case, you’re moving too slow.
And finally, the app can be your trip secretary. In the Reservations tab, it will store all info on your flight dates, hotel rooms, luggage, and other journey details.
To let the app help you, you need to grant it access to your G-mail first. It will scan the incoming email to pull all the relevant data and store it in the Maps app.
As an extra bonus, you can now make a reservation in the Maps too. Simply choose a venue, and make a reservation on the menu. Do you plan to go out much this Christmas? Let us know in the comments!