Samsung’s service SmartThings is a popular smart home solution that now receives new features. Users of the app can enter the utility integration portfolio and programs by using SmartThings Energy. The new offer is made by Enersponse, a California-based company of energy management.
Enersponse proposed to open the demand response option for every homeowner and all users of small energy who live in the US. This company is focused mainly on B2B, collaboration with Samsung offers more opportunities, including access to the new audience. Meanwhile, smart hope app users receive new unique features.
Since there is no exact data on the amount of Samsung phones used by the US residents, we can only assume based on the market share. There are possibly 70 million users of different ages. Not all of them are using the SmartThings app. Yet, everyone who has an account there can be considered a potential client. It means there are millions of users who will pay attention to the newly released option.
The CEO and founder of Enersponse, James McPhail said that the new partnership for the company is a giant step towards their goal. According to home, SmartThings owners will be able to join the common battle for energy decarbonization. It allows users to become active participants instead of just passive audiences. He said that it is highly important to simplify the procedure of entering the program. Every user must be able to participate in it. The new feature offers users to make their own energy use under control and make more smart savings.
Using the SmartThing Energy option, everyone can connect to their smart home devices and lower energy consumption. You may adjust thermostats, EV chargers, and even heaters of hot water. You may start to lower the energy use.
Do you want to try the new feature? Do you use SmartThings? Express your opinion about the upcoming service in the comments below.