It seems that Telegram is actively working on a way to monetize the platform. In the recent beta version for iOS devices, the company was spotted testing its Premium version, which will offer new emojis and stickers to users. The users of Telegram will allegedly see a notification that will ask them if they want to sign up for the Premium subscription when they see such stickers and reactions in the app.
At the moment, the company hasn’t provided any details about when Telegram Premium will become available and how much the subscription plan will cost. Also, the Premium version is currently tested only for iOS smartphones and it is unclear whether the same option will be available for Android in the future.
When it comes to the premium stickers, users of the free Telegram version won’t be able to see them. If you are a Premium subscriber and you send a sticker to someone who is not, all they will see is a message saying ‘unlock additional reactions by subscribing to Telegram Premium.’
At the moment, we just have to wait for an official announcement from the company regarding this subscription plan. It is interesting to see what other benefits will be available to subscribers in addition to stickers and emojis.
Just recently, Telegram had a big spring update, which provided users with several interesting features. The company introduced auto-deleting messages, custom notification sounds, customization features for muting chats, and also a better way to forward replies. Another significant update now allows developers to have more website-like features when creating bots.
Do you use Telegram as your go-to messaging app? What do you think about its features? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below.