Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently announced the popular messaging app's plans to roll out a Stories feature in early July. Acknowledging that this addition has been highly requested by users over the years, Durov revealed that a significant portion of the feature requests Telegram receives are related to Stories.
Initially hesitant about embracing Stories due to their ubiquity across other social platforms, Telegram has opted to prioritize catering to its user base. As such, the company has joined the ever-expanding list of apps integrating the highly sought-after feature, recognizing its popularity and relevance in today's digital landscape.
The upcoming Stories implementation on Telegram will provide users with notable control over who can view their individual stories. Offering adaptable audience options, including choices such as everyone, all contacts, select contacts, or a close friends list—this high level of customization balances openness and privacy within Telegram's iteration of story sharing.
Telegram also offers a feature to hide Stories posted by specific contacts. By moving these Stories to the "Hidden" list in the Contacts section, users can keep their main screen clutter-free and customize their viewing experience. Furthermore, Telegram users will have the ability to determine the duration of their Stories. Options include expiring in six, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Alternatively, users can choose to permanently display Stories on their profile page, similar to how Instagram allows users to showcase Story highlights.
Easily accessible within an expandable section atop users' chat lists, Stories will seamlessly become part of the Telegram experience. Additionally, this expansion will also include options for users looking for even more control; they can choose to hide stories from certain contacts by relegating those individuals to a "Hidden" list found within their Contacts section.
The scheduled launch of Telegram's Stories feature highlights the platform's commitment to addressing user desires while setting itself apart from competitors with enhanced customization options. By acknowledging long-standing fan requests and prioritizing user satisfaction over concerns about duplication across social networks, Telegram ensures ongoing growth and adoption as an engaging messaging application.